Illegally smuggled onions originated from China are seized by the Philippines

The Bureau of Customs (BOC) in the Port of Manila intercepted a onion shipment imported from China worth P2 million because of the lack of clearances required. The 25,000-kilogram cargo was found in need of the Sanitary and phytosanitary Import Clearance issued by the Department of Agriculture – Bureau of Plant Industry (DA-BPI) which prompted BOC to issue a Warrant of Seizure and Detention. BOC to grant a warrant of Seizure as well as Detention.

In accordance with the DA-BPI, every fresh vegetable as well as agricultural goods require phytosanitary and sanitary certifications to ensure that they comply with requirements for hygiene and also to avoid the spread of infectious diseases and insects. BOC Commissar Bienvenido Rubio stressed the significance to adhere strictly to rules for imports. He said, “By rigorously enforcing import regulations, we will not only protect our people from dangerous agriculture products, we also boost confidence in the public and protect the safety of our nation’s food security.”

Source: Inquirer.Net

Source: The Plantations International Agroforestry Group of Companies