Greengrocers located in Beirut is able to count the top restaurants as their customers

“It’s the best greengrocer I’ve ever encountered,” declares Pieter Boekhout. This is a significant statement considering that Pieter Boekhout, the Fresh Publishers manager is a experienced customer of the store’s fruit and vegetables. Pieter refers to Akiki Freres LB SARL in Antelias, an area in the suburbs of Beirut and where he spoke about Rani Akiki, one of three brothers that run the business.

“We’re certainly not the most expensive grocery store in Lebanon. However, at our store there are high quality, fresh fruit and vegetables that are from our nation and across the globe,”” Rani begins. “Yet it’s not only those with the highest incomes who purchase from us. It’s the general middle class as well, at the very most those who realize the fact that in fruit and veggies, the quality of produce is a sign of more shelf-life. For instance what quantity of fresh vegetables are we able to throw to the trash because it’s been discarded after a day or two in the fridge? For fruits and vegetables, “cheap tends to be costly.”

small packets made of natural turmeric.

Mini Mangoes, kakis, and it’s September already!

All available in the capital area and surrounding areas

In addition to the wide assortment of freshly picked produce and veggies, right to cresses Rani was at Koppert Cress located in the Netherlands in the year 2016. The retailer offers 18 kinds of salads as well as five kinds of sandwiches. “And the items are gone by the end each day. We also squeeze juice and prepare ice creams with natural flavors and are able to have groceries delivered directly to their houses through our app” states the operations director Antonio Dagher. “We were operating in the north and south of Lebanon however, we’ve concentrated specifically on Beirut as well as its surroundings since a few years. Our customer base is large in this area.”

Trays filled with strawberries and fresh the figs.

Chefs stroll about and collect their produce.

Five varieties of grapes.

They have one cousin that is an acclaimed local chef. He’s a frequent customer and so are many friends who rely on Akiki Freres LB’s fruit and veggies’ assured freshness and quality. In order to provide constant service to its clients such as restaurateurs, end customers and food service companies, retail stores, as well as other greengrocers, the business doesn’t just have a retail store, but also an export and import department named All Fresh and wholesale store Be Green at the Beirut wholesale market.

A huge selection of top fruits and stone.

leafy vegetable placed on the shelf for cooling.

Celery originates from Poland.

Different tomatoes.

Plenty of potatoes and onions.

Every detail looks stunningly displayed.

Three types of chicory.

It began with the freshest juices. People come to have a glass of vitamins.

Rani began All Fresh in 2014.

“It started in 1984, when we would help our dad in the small greengrocer shop after school. We purchased the premises located in Antelias in 2009, and then founded All Fresh in 2014. In the suburbs of Antelias Our offices are located as well as a warehouse of 2,500m2, one-quarter that is refrigerated.” Rani says. Rani.

Home delivery service to customers and catering companies. Minimum order value is 30 euros.

Three rooms are above the restaurant where salads made fresh are served.

They will be added to the shop.

Imports and exports through air freight

A majority of the imports even delicate ones such as asparagus, soft fruits cress, asparagus, and edible flowers are brought into the country on pallets mixed. “Those are available from any place within the world. Our source is one of the Dutch company who can provide our customers the entire range as well as the quantity we need. A purchase we make today will be delivered to our warehouse by tomorrow, or within the day following in the case of the time of the latest. The cost of air freight is over $1/kilo. One reason is that our items are a little more costly. They’re exclusive, though.”

All Fresh also directly sources goods like lettuce and other vegetables from Italy as well as soft fruits and soft fruit from Spain. “That’s somewhat less expensive in terms of shipping because it doesn’t have to be re-exported using certification of their origin. The current supply of Egyptian mangoes as Lebanon has a deal with a few Arab countries. This gives an advantage in that it is tax rates that are low or zero. Africa could also be considered an origin area Our papayas are directly from Ghana,” Rani explains.

As with All Fresh imports mixed pallets of the Netherlands and intends to later on, set up similar arrangements for exports, using Lebanese goods for expats and others within the United Arab Emirates and various African nations. “We’re considering primarily Hass as well as Fuerte avocados, various varieties of apple, chirimoyas as well as grapes,” adds Antonio.

For further information, click here.

Rani Akiki (CEO)

Akiki Freres LBS SARL

Main Str., Antelias (Libanon)

Tel. : +961 4444 227/8


Source: The Plantations International Agroforestry Group of Companies