Fresh Markets Australia reappoints directors and introduces a new general manager

The industry body Fresh Markets Australia (FMA) elected directors at its annual general meeting held on the 28th of November. Shane Schnitzler was unanimously re-elected as chairperson. Also, Carlo Trimboli of Freshmark was appointed as the new Chairperson. The appointment comes following Hamish Montague’s departure of his positions as the Deputy Chairperson as well as Brismark representative. FMA wishes felicitations on Carlo Trimboli on his new post and wishes to express its gratitude for Hamish Montague, for his invaluable contribution on the FMA board of directors since 2014.

“We are blessed to have an outstanding board of directors from all over the country, all of whom are expert in their field in the wholesale industry as well as the wider sector. I am pleased to congratulate Carlo Trimboli on his appointment as Vice Chairperson. He provides his experience to the board. Also, I’d be pleased to convey our deepest appreciation to Hamish Montague, for his dedication to contribution to the board and his significant service during his term,” stated Shane Schnitzler, FMA Chair.

FMA is represented by a board of ten with two directors selected by each state’s wholesalers of fruit and vegetables representative organisations, Brismark, Freshmark, Fresh State, SA Chamber of Fruit and Vegetables Inc. and Market West.

Shane declared, “As a board, our goal is to stay flexible, resilient and strategically focused trying to deliver exceptional performance for the business. I encourage our industry partners as well as stakeholders to keep active involvement with us and to foster cooperation that can ensure that the year ahead is better than the last one. Additionally, FMA highlights its ongoing collaboration to Toyota Material Handling and its close collaboration with owners/operators of the market”.

Photo of in the Perth Markets, from left: Trish Skinner (Market West), Andrew Young (Brismark), Jason Cooper (Fresh State), Rod McPherson (Market West), Shane Schnitzler – Chairperson (Fresh State) and Mark Brougham (SA Chamber of Fruit and Vegetables Inc.) Gail Wood’s (FMA), Carlo Trimboli Vice Chairperson (Freshmark), Hamish Montague (Brismark) and James Patrick (FMA).

FMA Board

  • Shane Schnitzler – Chairperson (Fresh State)
  • Carlo Trimboli – Deputy Chairperson (Freshmark)
  • Mark Brougham (SA Chamber of Fruit and Vegetables Inc.)
  • Trish Skinner (Market West)
  • Jason Cooper (Fresh State)
  • Andrew Young (Brismark)
  • George Giameos (SA Chamber of Fruit & Vegetables.)
  • Rod McPherson (Market West)
  • Meegan George (Freshmark)

Furthermore, FMA is delighted to reveal a major restructuring of the organisation that includes key promotions within the company. We’re pleased to have appointed James Patrick as the new General Manager effective January 1st. James was previously the head of marketing and Engagement for FMA which is where he most notably was the leader of FMA’s nationally-acclaimed program in retail ‘A Better option!’ over the last three years. The Board offers its warmest felicitations to James on his prestigious appointment and is looking forward to a productive and successful collaboration.

For further information, click here.

James Patrick

Markets Australia Fresh Markets Australia

Tel. : +61 0425 757 777


Source: The Plantations International Agroforestry Group of Companies