Flanders presents a case to support local Belgian ginger

The people of Flanders, Belgium, see opportunities to increase locally-grown ginger production. Researchers sought a plan that would address the most pressing issues that ginger farmers face within the Flanders area. Therefore, on the 1st of November 2023, the horticultural (LA) program “Expansion of the cultivation of ginger within Flanders” was announced.

The PGA, East Flanders’ provincial center for research on vegetable cultivation coordinates the research. The PGA is collaborating with VCBT which is that is Flemish Center for the Conservation of Horticultural Products. The aim is to establish an all-encompassing local value chain of Flemish ginger. In a close collaboration with every chain player from beginning of the process – from materials for the plant to final products Project partners aim to develop a model of revenue to all those involved.

The adaptation of plant material and cultivating methods

For ginger to grow successfully and sustainably, it’s essential to start with a suitable inexpensive, healthy plant material. The availability of this material is restricted. Therefore, it is an important focus point for future cultivation.

In order to increase the yield of the plant cultivating methods that permit ginger to grow in Flanders without requiring any inputs, such as energy or labor are currently being studied. Researchers are building an online network, and are actively engaging those who are pioneers as well as early adopters.

Young ginger is an innovative product

Locally-grown ginger is an improved, more juicier and better tasting product – younger or fresh ginger could be sold in the market, researchers believe. It is because locally-grown ginger isn’t required to have the thicker skins required to endure the long distance that is required for overseas shipping. At present, fresh ginger can only be purchased for a short period of duration.

To ensure this for a longer period, scientists are examining how ginger is stored in the best way and also if it is possible to grow all year round. The researchers are also analyzing the features of the product and determining the opinions of consumers about the new item as well as what the benefits are for the consumers.

An estimate of cost and feasibility analysis is obviously, required as well. Researchers want to accurately provide Flemish cultivators about the benefits for this plant.

Source: Proefcentrum voor de Groenteteelt

Source: The Plantations International Agroforestry Group of Companies