Exports of nectarine and peach from Turkey are experiencing a dramatic rise

From January 1 to the 12th of June in 2024 the exports from Turkey of peaches and nectarines witnessed a massive increase, of 33 million dollars compared to the prior year’s 17 million dollars which is a growth of 94 percent. From the year the year 2019, when exports amounted to 90 % of dollars there’s seen a steady increase in the number of dollars that culminated at 203.5 million dollars at 2023’s close. In the report, Aegean Exporters’ Association highlighted an increase in the volume of exports between 104 and 134,000 tons. Hayrettin Ucak, Deputy Coordinator for the Aegean Exporters’ Association as well as leader of the Aegean Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Exporters’ Association highlighted the significance of nectarines and peaches in the export portfolio of Turkey.

Ucak has also emphasized the benefits to health of nectarines and peaches, which include fiber, which helps with digestion and regulates blood sugar levels which contributes to their growing consumption. The goal is to increase peach and nectarine exports above 250 million dollars by 2024, the government is working to get phytosanitary certificates from Far Eastern countries, potentially expanding exports by $500 million. Turkey places third worldwide in peach production. It is also the second highest in exports, Izmir being the main producer center. Ucak acknowledged the dedication of the peach farmers, particularly when harvest times begin at 4:00 and extending Eid al-Adha greetings to all who are involved in this sector.

Source: raillynews.com

Source: The Plantations International Agroforestry Group of Companies