“Even even in the countries there isn’t a need to anticipate it the issue of labour”

Christian Oosterlaan of Pack TTI has been to many international trade shows. The Pack TTI’s HortiHands, VegHands and FlowerHands brand offer machines to make things a bit easier for cultivators across the globe. “More than ever the growers aren’t able to hire employees or face excessively high labor costs. For these situations it is time to automate. Automation can be a fantastic alternative,” says the man who has recently assumed full control of the firm.

In June of this year, Christian assumed the final shares of Pack TTI from Hans Juursema. Christian was an investor since the year 2020, prior to the corona. “Since 2017 I’ve been growing into the company. In fact, I was quickly the ‘owner’ but the company is officially my own.”

Hans as well as Christian.


Yet, Christian assures us that markets should not expect major shifts following this announcement by the management. “We provide a variety of harvesting, processing and packaging options for flowers, vegetables, and plants. We’ll continue doing this. In many countries, our machines that are affordable are advanced enough to take huge strides. Even in places where you would not think of it the labor force is an issue. As an example, I bought a machine that binds the spices of Albania.”

Pack TTI, which is an international trading firm, purchases equipment from different nations. They also build the machines themselves. Christian has connections to Asian makers, including However, he also has equipment from Germany as well as other countries. This fall, Pack TTI moved from Zwijndrecht to Bleiswijk for continued growth. “We are even closer to our clients, and sometimes they come even to my office,” he laughs.

Growingly technologically savvy

Mechanical engineering graduates point that the machines must be straightforward, to the true sense. “We offer quality but are also keen to allow customers to perform maintenance on their own. For this reason we provide parts, maybe with an explanation video. We have found that our customers tend to be able to repair the machines they purchase by themselves.”

A brand new business owner is aware that users of machines become more tech-savvy. “Personally I love working with tradesmen and technology. I intend to keep going in this direction. I believe it is helpful to be able to have great technical conversations with customers.”

Christian is a keen observer of the latest developments in AI and robotics He is aware of developments in AI and robotics, but he does not anticipate the brands of Pack TTI to move towards that direction just in the near future. “In the Netherlands the Netherlands, we always stay in the forefront, and we do it very well. It could be a long time before the technology is able to spread into other regions of the globe. For a lot of international customers, our machines are very advanced, but without the extravagant choices like touchscreens. However, we do provide this kind of machine such as our lines for flower binding.”

More information is available here:

Christian Oosterlaan

Pack TTI

Lange Vaart 1

2665 KT Bleiswijk The Netherlands

+31 88 425 62 40

[email protected]


Source: The Plantations International Agroforestry Group of Companies