“Direct export of fruits in the region of Assam to Singapore is a success’

Industry officials say that direct exports of fresh fruits and vegetables directly from Assam towards Singapore under the guidance of Singapore’s Ministry of Trade and Industry proved to be successful. The haul included star fruit and jackfruit. Assam pineapple and lemon, exporter Achintya Kumar Das, who is the creator KADlien Innovations and Export Centre, the founder KADlien Innovations and Export Centre stated.

This project is a joint initiative of the Singapore’s Ministry of Trade and Industry as well as the Indian Ministry of Commerce and Industry With support from APEDA, Federation of Indian Export Organisation (FIEO), APEDA, and KADlien He explained. “Singaporean officials have expressed their satisfaction having visited and observed what the products look like on the site of the importer.”

Source: theweek.in

Source: The Plantations International Agroforestry Group of Companies