A typical Israel Orri Mandarin season is coming to an close

The current Israeli superior mandarin Orri season was described as being average, however certainly better than last season, both for exporters and producers. It’s almost time to end the season and some producers are expected to sell the last of their stock within the next couple of weeks. Based on Yonatan Meron, the Export Manager for Granot Fresh in Israel: “Generally the season was good but much better than the previous one.”

This season was characterized by many difficulties, such as rainfall earlier in the season the increase in packaging and freight and a strengthening local currency, and delays to shipping and the impact of the Russian war in Ukraine. The 2023 season Israeli producers have seen relief on several aspects, which has helped recuperating from the last. “The season began well and was a good price. The overall quality was decent. The size-split this season was very good and it met what is required by the Orri market.” Says Meron.

One positive factor that has helped producers rebound somewhat was their local currency which is the Israeli Shekel, which has declined since the beginning of January of this year. Also, it helped in keeping the returns up after the an increase in Orri rates in the key markets began to fall beginning in January, says Meron. “The the currency ratio had an impact positive on overall result. Prices fell in January as they typically tend to do, but they improved only toward the end of March. However, we anticipated that they would rise sooner due to the absence of fruit coming from Morocco in addition to Spain.”

When Granot has completed packing and shipping Meron states that other Israeli cultivators will keep packing in the coming two weeks. “Volume of produce coming from Israel is up 10% than last year’s season the time we are at. Certain growers will continue adding more in the coming weeks. So it has was an extensive season” says Meron.

For further information, click here.

Yonatan Meron

Granot Fresh

Tel: +972 52 6808805

Email: yonatanm@granotfresh.com
