Egyptian exporters of watermelon and melon look forward to European summer

As with the other North African origins, Egyptian watermelon and melon exporters have been waiting patiently for season to begin in Europe and for the rising in temperatures will favor consumption of these fruit.

Mohamed Shahen, of the Egyptian producer Agro Pro, stated: “Egyptian volumes of watermelon and melons are up this year due to favorable weather conditions and high demand in the past year, which led producers to grow their the acreage.”

“The first crops are being sold, and we’re selling well in those in Arab markets, particularly those of the Gulf countries. They are in high demand for the product due to the start of summer.” claims the company’s producer.

“But we’re just waiting on the European request for pickup. Still, it is slow at the start of the season due to the freezing temperatures across Europe. The drop in orders is quite remarkable compared with the same period the previous year.” Shahen adds Shahen.

Regarding price, the producer claims an rise by 15% compared to last year, in spite of the low European demand. He explains that: “There is no part of our manufacturing costs that is not increasing, and that is true not just for Egyptian production, but also for any other origin that competes with it.”

More information is available here:

Mr. Mohamed Shahen

Agro Pro Egypt

Tel: +201203420020
