Ministers Donohoe and O’Donovan applaud the signing of a the contract to invest in Rosslare Port

The Minister of Public Expenditure, NDP Delivery and Reform, Paschal Donohoe, today (Monday 22nd May) was pleased with the Contract Award to commence work to upgrade Terminal 7 at Rosslare Europort.

This upgrade is required for the continuous Brexit infrastructure for Rosslare Europort to ensure compliance with EU Customs as well as sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) as well as the official regulations on food control, thus protecting those who are part of the EU one market.

After a tendering process that was competitive, John Paul Construction have received the contract. Work is scheduled to begin shortly on the site.

Minister Donohoe: “I am delighted that a contract was given to this crucial project, and I am delighted that work will start. I want to congratulate John Paul Construction on their successful bid for the Rosslare Europort upgrades.”

“I am grateful to everyone at the Office of Public Works for their efforts in bringing Rosslare to this point.” Rosslare Project to the crucial point. I also want to thank all other agencies and departments as well as officials from my Department that have been working closely together with the OPW in achieving this thrilling momentous point.”

“The modernization of Rosslare Europort will allow Ireland to meet the demands for checking and controlling in trading with UK. This development will assist Rosslare as well as in the South East by facilitating trade and creating more jobs. I am looking forward to watching what progress is made on the site in the coming months.”

Minister of State responsible in and the Office of Public Works Patrick O’Donovan, T.D., said: “I welcome the contract announcement today, which signals the beginning of the crucial next stage at Rosslare Europort. The OPW is extremely proud of having been an integral element of the federal government’s Brexit infrastructure initiative to get Ireland fully prepared for the Brexit process at the end 2020. The announcement today provides a wonderful instance of how departments within the government remain in partnership to build the infrastructure that will be needed to build a border crossing point as well as improved processing facilities in one of the largest and most busy ports in the nation.”

The Minister of Finance, Michael McGrath: “I am very pleased with the announcement of a contract to this crucial initiative for South East.” South East. The new infrastructure provides us with an opportunity to oversee the new arrangements for trade between UK. United Kingdom and will give the Revenue Commissioners the ability to efficiently carry out the customs procedures in a contemporary and suitable to use facility.”

More information is available at