Prices for garlic rise at Navi Mumbai due to a supply crunch that continues

The cost of garlic in Navi Mumbai is up by 35% over the last month because of a shortfall. Market participants from the APMC believe that the situation won’t change in the near-term. The wholesale market has been receiving between 17 and 18 trucks, tempos and tempos that are carrying garlic. This is less than the normal arriving of 24- to 30- vehicles, as per the APMC administration. The official in charge of the administration said the drop in the number of garlic deliveries of around 30% is one of the reasons for the rise in prices.

At the beginning of May, the prices of garlic ranged between Rs30 and Rs60 per kilogram. But due the decrease in production, both wholesale prices and retail prices have increased. The wholesale cost of garlic ranges between Rs60 and Rs120 for a kilogram, and the retail price is ranging between Rs110-Rs220 per kilogram.

[ Rs100 = EUR1.10 ]
