The supply of tight yellow onions could keep the door to promotion open Vidalia onions.

Vidalia onions are beginning their transition from shipping fresh onions and are now moving into storage onions. “We have finished picking the last week, but it’s still about one week to transition since there’s still some sizing to be done with the onions that came from the fields,” John Williams, director of sales and marketing at LG Herndon Jr Farms. John Williams, director of marketing and sales for LG Herndon Jr Farms.

In general, the Vidalia onions crop in Georgia is down a bit this year. “There were some losses due to the cold weather during New Year’s Eve and Christmas, in which the onions were tiny or had only just had been planted,” says Williams. “Though we were concerned that the loss was more, it actually was, we’re satisfied with the way that our yield was able to be cultivated with regard to quantity and the amount we managed to get in storage.” In the case of LG Herndon Jr. Farms the farm will produce a decent quantity of Vidalias to be delivered throughout the summer.

Gaining on demand

As as a result of demand, it’s a great choice for Vidalias with a steady price. Williams says that the Western yellow onion crop is becoming more scarce and could open the way to the marketing of sweet onions. “We anticipate even higher need in our onion. We have different size farmers and some are been able to finish their work, so we may get some orders ahead of any new import sweet onions in the months of summer and the month of July.” He says.

In addition, with summer right approaching it is a good time to consider onion-related celebrations like Memorial Day, Father’s Day and the 4th of July, which are all major grilling occasions. LG Herndon Jr Farms is entering its second year of working together with the Gary Sinise Foundation and for the two weeks leading up to Memorial Day and the two weeks preceding the Fourth of July holiday, it is the co-branding partner for its packaging, which includes the foundation established by Gary Sinise, the Forrest Gump actor. “This year, we’ve added displays that are specially made for retailers to showcase the 3 and five pounds. bags. The company has received a great reactions to it,” says Williams, adding that the company is able to donate up to $25,000 towards the foundation in exchange for the collaboration.

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LG Herndon Jr Farms, Inc

Tel: +1 (912) 565-7640

Herndon Farms