Zespri chooses Steven Martina as President of Europe and North America

Zespri President Dan Mathieson last week confirmed the selection by Steven Martina as Zespri’s new president of Europe and

North America.

“Steven is going to lead the European as well as North American team’s work to build sustainable benefit for growers who produce kiwifruit. This is done by providing local customers with the best selection of premium Kiwifruit 12

The seasons of the calendar year. We’re thrilled to have hired one with Steven’s wealth of expertise and experience, who matches our mission and our values.”

Steven is the CEO at present for The Greenery, an international business that is located in the Netherlands with an annual turnover of about one billion euros. Over his nearly 19 years with The Greenery,

Steven has built up a track record of background in the field of managing strategic and commercial aspects along with marketing and innovation across the value chain. He is also an active member of the Zespri Sustainability Advisory Board since its inception in 2022.

“With Steven’s appointment I’d like say my sincere thanks to Linda Mills for her contribution in the role of acting President for Europe and North America. Steven will closely work with Linda before he starts his new role.

The new role will begin on September 1 and after that, she will transition to her new Head role on 1 September. She will then transition to her Head of Integrated Business Planning role.

“I am looking forward to welcoming Steven into the Zespri team and continuing our efforts to increase our give to the growers as well as our community in the coming season, and in the years to come..

Updating to Zespri Board of Directors

After six years as an independent director for Zespri, Peter Springford will not seek re-election the Annual Meeting this year.

“Peter is a major contribution to the Board during his time as a member of the Board.

We have greatly benefited from his experience in leadership of businesses as well as corporate governance expertise and, together, we’ve produced

remarkable results following his appointment in 2017,” said Chairman Bruce Cameron.

“In looking for a replacement independent director for the company, the Board has carried out an externally-facilitated selection process for possible candidates and will recommend shareholders choose Michael Ahie to be the new director.

Independent director in this year’s Annual Meeting.

“Michael is an agribusiness specialist who has international expertise in governance and business in marketing, sales as well as global strategy and management. Michael has served as the Chairman Independent of the Kiwifruit Breeding Centre, and I am confident that Michael is going to make an enormous impact on Zespri and will support our efforts in order to create greater value for Zespri as well as the broader Kiwifruit industry.”

For further information, click here.
