The most efficient methods for processing dragon fruit

Because of their high levels of moisture as well as their sugar content and the soft texture of tropical fruits, they possess a delicate nature and can cause a variety of processing problems that include separation, maturation management, as well as quality maintenance. Dragon fruit is a standout among the other fruits in this category as an excellent illustration, particularly in regions such as Southeast Asia where its popularity has been growing.

As per Maria Vieitez, marketing coordinator of OctoFrost due to a variety of appealing factors, such as the flavor colour, antioxidants and flavor Dragon fruit has attracted lots of attention from consumers. Because of this, the market for dragon fruits will likely to witness an explosive growth rate, and an expected Compound Annual growth rate (CAGR) in the range of 3.9 percentage from 2022 through 2027.

“We are determined to provide complete information about the most effective methods to achieve the best outcomes when making dragon fruit. Processing companies can meet the increasing demand for the products of dragon fruit and make sure that their high-quality remains consistent throughout the manufacturing procedure by setting these practices put in place.” Vietez states.

Two components that are necessary for top-quality raw material

In order to produce top quality dragon fruit frozen in the freezer, using the finest raw materials is vital, Vietez explains: “The quality of the fruit and its toughness are the two most important aspects to consider because they play an impact directly on sugar content. This directly affects the brix levels. The amount of sugars that are simple like glucose, sucrose and fructose increases as the fruit matures increasing the brix. It affects not only the taste but also the texture of the fruit, which makes it more brittle and more prone to damage. In order to ensure constant flavour and consistency, the brix levels is to be determined and the fruit that is overripe is to be taken out.”

To achieve the desired results, it is also about controlling the ripeness of harvest, Vietez says. “The strength of the colour red in the skin could be used as a way to measure the maturity of the harvest. This is determined through what is known as the Days After Anthesis (DAA) timeframe. Brix values that are ideal for the white-fleshed dragon fruit range between 13 15 and 13 and would correspond to 32 to 36 DAA period for the harvest. For red-fleshed varieties the brix value between 12 and 13 signify an estimated harvest period between 27 and 30 DAA. The signs of under-ripeness are when harvesting lower than the recommended DAA levels. Over-ripeness is evident by harvesting higher than.”

Optimizing the process for prefreezing for a better separation

Selecting the right equipment for processing, starting with cutting and dicing techniques and is the following crucial step in maintaining the appearance and freshness of dragon fruit. The final quality of the item is heavily influenced by the cutting machine, Vietez emphasizes: “To preserve the shape, texture and overall appearance of fruit and to avoid breaking the fruit, crushing it, or cutting the fruit, you must employ sharp blades and precise dicing techniques. In addition, following the dicing procedure, fruits dimensions and shapes are uniform and uniform, resulting in finished items that look pleasing to the eyes. After that, the product must be thoroughly cleaned to eliminate any particles or floating flesh. Additionally, a dewatering machine should be employed to get rid of any water that could create clumps and freeze.”

Cooling is the final pre-freezing step that is accomplished using air or water. Air cooling is preferred for delicate products in which keeping their form and quality is essential as they allow freezing of the crust. The speed of cooling can be achieved by this process, which creates a crust of protection that holds moisture in and maintains the structure of food when it is processed later, such as in IQF packaging or freezing procedures.

Enhancing shelf life by frozen crust technology

The fruit pieces are efficiently and uniformly frozen thanks to the process of crust freezing, which assists in the even freezing process during the IQF procedure, Vietez says. “By keeping the quality of the fruit throughout storage, and lessening chances of freezing burn, this procedure improves the shelf life of the fruit that is frozen. OctoFrost is a method of crust freezing that uses an incline belt that has five thumpers that help refine the process to ensure a high-quality product by gently shaking the item as well as preventing lump and stick creation.”

“In the end, selecting premium raw materials, regulating the quality of the harvest and optimizing the process of prefreezing are required for the processing of dragon fruit. This process ensures a consistent flavour and texture, preserve the beauty and quality of the fruit as well as extend the shelf-life of the fruit. Processing companies can meet the growing demand for products made from dragon fruit and produce top-quality results when they adhere to these top methods,” Vietez concludes.

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OctoFrost Group
