Himachal Pradesh faces 50% reduction in the production of apples this year

The likelihood is that Himachal Pradesh will face a drastic drop in production of apple this year. According to estimates, the quantity of apple production could be anywhere between one and a half and 200,000 boxes. That’s a difference from the 336,000 boxes that were produced in the previous year. This is a decrease that is close to 50%.

Since 2010 in which the state registered its largest production in history that included more than 400,000 boxes the state has seen its production fall to below 200,000 boxes just three times: in 2011 2013, 2012 and in 2018.

The sharp drop in the estimations of production reflects the unpredictable the weather was this year and the an incredibly dependent reliance on the weather. Despite the fact that land for apple farming is steadily increasing growing from 101,485 acres in 2010, to 114,646 ha in 2020– the state hasn’t been in a position to reach the same level of production over the last thirteen years.

Source: tribuneindia.com