Chile Updates estimates for exports of citrus for 2023

The ASOEX Citrus Committee has issued the latest estimate for the citrus export volumes of June in light of the frost’s impact as well as the recent rainfall.

Based on this estimate, it is expected that shipments to be at 348,000 tonnes 30 percent more than those exported during the last season, and 33% lower than the earlier estimate which was made in May.

“Frost injury to citrus was quite limited. However, a few orchards were affected, particularly within the O’Higgins region,” said Juan Enrique Ortuzar President of the Committee. Concerning the rainfall, Ortuzar said that the impacts on the citrus industry have generally been favorable. “Although the fruit harvests will need to be stopped for a short period of time but it’s possible to keep some water in the system and at the very least, for winter months, when the irrigation channels have to be cleaned. There have been a handful of instances of orchards being affected by flooding because they were located in areas with low water levels, but there was nothing serious.”

The initial estimates from April of this year predicted export quantities of 55,000 tonnes for clementines. Then, there were 125,000 tonnes of mandarins, 95,000 tonnes of oranges and 75,000 tons for lemons. This month, the mandarin figure was increased to 135,000 tonnes. According to the latest figures, there are 58,000 tonnes of clementines being exported. This includes 125,000 tons of mandarins identical quantities of oranges, and 70,000 tonnes of lemons.

To her own as the head for the Citrus Committee Monserrat Valenzuela said that “the volume estimates are constantly changing because they are influenced by external influences whose impact vary with the seasons, including the weather and logistics costs, as well as freight as well as market concerns; thereby why it is essential to keep updating estimates over the course of the year, as well as educating about possible fluctuations of export volumes.”

Volumes as of the week 25

In week 25, the exports of clementines totaled 51,474 tons which is 76% higher than during the same time in 2022’s season. For mandarins, as just the beginning of the season there have been 59 tons exported. The orange shipments increased to 11,014 tons that is 45 percent greater than during the same period in the previous season. The quantity of lemons was 14,287 tonnes that is 5 percent lower than the previous season.

For more information:

Comite de Citricos Asoex