The world’s most costly melons are being auctioned off at a premium

When you buy melons at the supermarket or at the market should not cost you a fortune However, one particular variety will leave you amazed at the price. The unique melon is only produced in Japan and is known by the title “Yubari King.” The melon is thought to be the highest priced fruit that is grown only in Yubari city, which is located on the Japanese island of Hokkaido island.

Yubari King attributes its extraordinary taste and sweetness to extreme temperature variations between night and day within Yubari city. The greater the variation in temperature is, the more delicious and sweeter the melon turns out to be. The thing that sets Yubari King from other melon varieties is the fact the fact that it’s sold, it’s auctioned. In 2022, a Yubari King sold for a record two million rupees (EUR22,000) during auction. In the preceding year, it purchased for 1.8 mill (EUR20,000).


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