European nations prefer Turkish products made of hazelnut fruit, and grape exports

Many claim that a lot of countries that trade within Europe such as Germany as well as Germany, the UK and Italy would prefer the Turkish market to be a supplier of products for agriculture. It offers many advantages to European countries, such as quality goods and the efficiency and savings brought about due to its geographically advantageous location.

Royal Innovative Founder Boris Volfman stated: “As an agricultural country, Turkey has always been an ideal choice due to the benefits it provides due to its geographic location as well as strong socio-cultural ties to Europe. European market. Through Royal Innovative’s 8 years of experience, we’ve created a network of business partners that ensures the demands of Europeans can be met by producers of Turkey as well as playing as a facilitator in both trade and import operations.”

Italy is the largest buyer for Turkish hazelnuts

In a statement on the export of hazelnuts to European nations by Turkey and ranked first among the world’s hazelnut producers, Boris Volfman said, “The largest consumer of Turkish hazelnuts are Italy as it is the where you can find world-class chocolatiers.” Turkey exported 511 million dollars worth of hazelnuts to all over the world during the 7-month time frame that ran from January to July 2023 timeframe. Italy has the highest number of dollars with 124 million, Germany had 102 million dollars and France was the third with 53 million dollars in the exports.
