Apple and pear exports to China exhibit growth that is counter-trend to the trend.

Because of adverse weather events such as floods and hail earlier in the season, Hortgro has made revisions to its forecasts of exports for the season 2023. The anticipated volume of exports in the case of apples would be 40.883 million boxes (12.5 kilograms per box) with a 10 percent decrease compared to 2022 season. This is the reduction being around 4.375 million boxes. Pears are expected to export 17.195 million cartons, which indicates the decline of 19% which is 4 million fewer cartons than in the prior season.

Between November and December 2022 the primary producing regions for apples and pear located in South Africa experienced severe hailstorms. The Langkloof region also experienced a hailstorm during March of this year. It affected both the quality and quantity of the pears. Also, in June it was reported that the Western Cape province experienced heavy rainfall as well as strong winds. However, at this point the harvests of pear and apples had been completed and the fruits were kept in storage cold.

In the various varieties of apples There are substantial reductions to be expected from the export volumes for Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Braeburn and Cripps Pink in comparison to the previous year, which has a decrease of 24%, 19% 18 17% and 19% and 17%, respectively. Fuji apple exports, which are the most sought-after cultivar that is exported to China forecast to fall by 12% and reach 3.953 million boxes. Concerning exports of pear in South Africa, the most popular cultivars, such as Packham’s Triumph and Forelle will suffer declines of 8% and 15 percent in each case. The Cheeky variety was heavily exported to China and is expected to be able to export a volume of 581,000 boxes, which is an increase of 21% from the prior season. Other than the Celina as well as the Sempre varieties, exports of the other varieties are predicted to drop in varying amounts as well, with being the Doyenne Du Comice variety experiencing the largest drop, which is 54 percent.

According to Hortgro’s statistics on exports in week 29 of September, the total amount of apple samples inspected in order to export totaled 31.264 million boxes, which is an increase of 3% in comparison to the same time in the year before. For the Gala and Royal Gala varieties that passed inspection The quantity grew 4 percent when compared to the same period the previous year. Of all types, Golden Delicious experienced the biggest drop. It decreased by 19 percentage.

The quantity of pears that were inspected for export were 14.784 million boxes for week 29 this is a 13% reduction compared to this time in the year before. In the top export types such as Packham’s Triumph saw a 6 percent growth in sales, while Forelle declined by 8 percent and Vermont Beauty underwent a substantial decrease by 17 percent.

Despite the general decline in the South African apple and pear exports into the world market, exports to China Chinese market have seen an increase that is counter-trend.

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