700 billion worth of trade between Mexico and Canada, United States, and Canada at risk

The relations of trade between Mexico and Canada, United States, and Canada that account for an annual volume of 776 thousand 754 millions dollars, could be impacted in the event of an extended “diplomatic pausing” that was declared by the president of Mexico, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. This could result in negative consequences for regions such as Sinaloa and Sinaloa, which depend heavily on the export of agricultural goods to the northern neighbours. Mexico’s exports tend to be directed toward United States. United States, comprising 80 percent of all exports. Meanwhile, imports to United States comprise 45 percent. United States constitute 45%.

Cesar Enrique Galaviz-Lugo, the President of the Association of Farmers from the South Fort River (AARFS) expressed his concern about its potential effects on the agriculture sector. “They are political issues time we live in complex and this shows that, as the decisions seem to be made in opposition to the negotiations we’ve had in both each other with the United States and with Canada in relation to the T-MEC as well as with all of the other nations. It is important to be aware over these issues as an entire nation. These decisions can affect Mexicans; “We are in very serious danger,” he stated.

Lugo highlighted the necessity of cautious decision-making in order to avoid affecting the thousands of Mexicans and stressed the importance to maintain strong commercial relationships with other countries. Lugo encouraged to the Mexican president to think about consequences of reforms specifically in relation to the agriculture sector and stressed that Sinaloa’s economic system is largely dependent on agriculture. any disruption to trade between United States United States could have catastrophic consequences for the area.

With these worries In light of these concerns, the AARFS is launching Agroconferences 2024 Agroconferences 2024, an event lasting eight days that will feature 16 conference sessions that focus on the most pressing challenges facing the agriculture sector including the effects of climate change as well as high-efficiency gravity irrigation and adjusting to the agricultural challenges. This conference is designed to equip farmers, engineers in agriculture and other sector specialists with the resources needed to manage the present uncertainties and make sure that their farms continue to be profitable.

Source: Blueberriesconsulting