“International Food Business Forum” in Chisinau was an example of Moldovan fruits’ and its success”

This year’s 9th International Fruit Business Conference, which took place on the 7th and 8th of Chisinau, Moldova, brought around 200 fruit industry experts from all over the world. The event is now an opportunity to share knowledge, collaboration as well as observing the latest developments in the international sector of fruit, Iurie Fala from Moldova Fruct, explains:

“This year’s gathering provided farmers with beneficial information of international experts in technological advances in the production of fruit, as well as high-quality standards, as well as new packaging techniques. In addition, with 27 out of 40 presenters representing international experts, the sharing of information and knowledge was focused on improving the overall effectiveness and competitiveness of the Moldovan fruit sector.”

According to Fala one of the highlights element of the gathering was the panel discussions on Business-toBusiness in which the importers of fruit from Germany and The Netherlands and Kenya were in conversation with the producers in Kenya. “Topics included the coming harvest season, conditions for delivery as well as logistical issues. Collaboration was the main theme of these discussion highlighted the significance of the conference on expanding the map of our exports.”

The past 12 months have proved to be a success for Moldovan exports of fresh produce, Fala says: “The year 2023 marked an important moment for Moldovan fruit exporters and growers. record quantities of cherries, table grapes, and plums had been successfully exported and an increase in demand on the European Union market. In the end, “the Republic of Moldova exported an astonishing 16.7 million tons of cherries. It also exported 78 000 tonnes of plums, and 55 million tons of table grapes at the end of November in 2023.”

“The growth of Moldovan exports of fruits was achieved through strategic investments in the production technology, post-harvest equipment, packaging that is market-aligned, and the concerted efforts of producers to market the Moldovan brand “Moldova – Taste is the key” on the international scene. The traditional time for the event is at the conclusion of the calendar year in Chisinau The Fruit Business Conference has become an essential event on the calendar of business events for the horticulture business. Participation registrations for next year’s event are open now and businesses eager to take advantage of this chance are invited to get in touch with Moldova Fruct Association. Moldova Fruct Association. We invite you to join us as we shape how business will evolve as well as cooperation at this year’s Fruit Business Conference in 2024!” Fala concludes.

For further information, click here.

Iurie Fala

Molodova Fruct

MD 2012 Chisinau (Moldova)

Tel: +373 222 23 005

Mob: +373 693 66 424
