It’s the sunniest day in June for 66 years! is a great taste of the fresh season British apples

Tuesday, October 2nd 2023 is the day that marks the beginning of the brand new British apple season. UK producers say that the recent record-breaking sunshine hours have left a sweet influence on the apples.

The most sunny June since 1957 [1assured that young British apple trees got the sun that they required in order to grow the fullest potential for their flavor and taste. The sun’s rays aid in the development of wonderful natural sugars that are present during the new crop.

UK producers are currently at full harvest and there are the estimated amount of 22 million apples picked by hand every single day during this month (October). The very first season of British apples have already appeared being sold in supermarkets, and although the scorching temperatures this year has meant that the harvest may not be as big as 2022’s The quality of the apples is high.

“This is a very thrilling time for both growers and UK apple enthusiasts,” explained Ali Capper the executive chairperson of British Apple & Pears Limited (BAPL) which is the UK organization for growers. “We’re extremely excited about the fantastic home-grown apple we have in the UK as well as the fact that we are aware that Brits also love them.”

Not just the amazing flavor or taste that’ll make an impression on UK consumers this year. British apples are becoming considered a superfood that is not widely known.

“The apple’s health benefits are often overlooked,” said Ali Capper. “But recent remarks from Michael Mosely[2] suggesting an apple per day, and the latest scientific studies about the advantages of quercetin[3] which is found in high levels in apples – have raised the humble apple to the status like an superfood. It’s not just the apple. Hollywood has joined in the apple revival. Jennifer Garner, for example, consumes an apple every each day. Apples are her favorite snack.”

The apples are rich in polyphenols. They act as antioxidants. They’re excellent for gut health, and may help reduce the risk of heart disease. The consumption of apples has been found to lower the amount of cholesterol in blood, as well as blood pressure, and inflammation. [5]

“This year, there’s many more reasons than ever to enjoy a freshly-picked British apple every day, and help UK producers. Apples aren’t just an indulgence to taste buds, but for your gut, heart and body as well!”

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