Small size sizes signal the start of Moroccan citrus campaign

In the past few months, the citrus producers in Morocco reported stable cultivation conditions as well as smooth farm processes. But despite their best efforts and hopeful claims, the weather didn’t cooperate with their expectations for a second time consecutively, and announced the possibility of a difficult season.

Stephanie de Wit, CEO of Agri Bianco, told FreshPlaza: “The citrus season is beginning late because of the difficult conditions in the weather for a second time in a row. A few growers have already started to harvest clementines but not getting the volume we had hoped for. It’s too hot and dry due to droughts and heatwaves that are not good for citrus, and it reflects on the beginning of the season. It also affects sizes and quantities.”

“Unfortunately this is more difficult than the previous season which saw huge sizes despite smaller volumes. Smaller sizes generally mean more crop, but this year the volume and size of clementines have decreased,” the exporter continues.

Positively, says Stephanie, “Moroccan producers and exporters should still be able to access a market that is favorable since the weather also affects the other countries that compete with them, such as Spain. Additionally, there is the fact that South African season finished early and left a market empty for provide.”

The rains of last week gave a glimmer of hope. Stephanie says “We believe that the rains last into the months to come and enhance the quality of clementines during the coming weeks. We also hope for great harvests for the different varieties of citrus that are expected to be harvested to be harvested later in the year.”

More information is available here:

Stephanie de Wit

Agri Bianco
