Volgograd’s tomatoes are now in line to the cost of imported bananas

The prices in the Volgograd area are increasing steadily and vegetables are seeing a higher price increase in comparison to other goods. Based on statistical information The weekly price report has been issued.

Freshly picked cucumbers’ prices have increased by 9.13 percent and reached 0.90 euro per kilogram. The price of tomatoes increased by 9.24 percent, averaging 1.2 Euros per kilogram. Also, the local produce nearly match the price of bananas which do not flourish in this area. Today, a kilo of bananas from the Volgograd region is 1.3 euros. This is an 1.69 percentage increase over the week before. Apples are up 1.22 percent, which is 0.86 Euros per Kilo.

Although some prices for vegetables are down, like as potatoes at 1.8 percentage, carrots at 1.2 percent, onions by 0.7 percentage, beets 0.5 percentage and cabbage white by 0.4 percent.

source: v102.ru