“First Chilean peaches pre-sold to China market are in great demand”

“At Fruit Color, we are extremely pleased to have received our first batch of peaches from Chile. The first time we’ve received peaches that came from Chile that we have ever had to be offered in mainland China. Chinese mainland.” Says Kaimao Yu as well as Braulio Diaz of the Chilean exporter Gesex in China.

“This first air cargo was delivered to China on the 13th of December and are currently in high demand. They actually sold it a couple of days prior to the shipment arrived. There were 192 containers of Net weight of 6 kg. Each box sold for about $500 RMB ($70). Customers’ feedback from the initial shipment were very favorable, they noted the firmness and quality the intense red colour as well as the large size and good taste. We’re working hard to improve the sweetness of our product and we will definitely see improvements with the next arrivals,” says Ye Diaz and Diaz.

Ye has been named director of the Fruit Color Chinese office manager and Diaz is the Market Manager. Fruit Color is the commercial department of Chilean exporter Gesex located in China. The company was formed by Gesex in Hong Kong and Shanghai in 2014, as part of an international network of offices created in 2014 by Gesex in Europe and in the USA to import distribution and sale of fresh fruits within the mainland of China. They offer a range of services in the areas of custom clearance, imports and distribution. They also serve their clients in wholesale market, supermarkets, and specialty retail stores. They also offer support to businesses who want to market their fresh products in China via importation as well as distributing to local businesses.

“Gesex is among the leading exporters of the category of stone fruits that comes from Chile. Our main strengths are the experience and expertise of our farmers is notable, as well as our constant pursuit of different varieties that can be more responsive to new consumer demands and processes for production and an unwavering desire to provide a premium product to customers around the world.” declares Ye as well as Diaz.

Further Chilean peaches are on the way

The Fruit Color and Gesex teams declare that this is only the first of a series of shipments. They’re currently trying to import additional boxes of Chilean peaches into China during this time of the year. “Peaches are popular fruit in China and are highly appreciated for their delicious sweetness and a pleasant texture. Already, we have received another shipment of peaches that is already being sold and are currently in the process of preparing for a sea-shipment. The initial plan is to take in between eight and ten containers in the coming season.” declare Ye Diaz and Diaz.

More information is available here:

Kaimao Ye

Fruit Color

Tel: +86 18620255797

Email: Kaimao.ye@geesxa.com


Braulio Diaz

Tel: +86 18819150670

Email: Braulio.diaz@geesxa.com