Aigen’s Series A releases True-Solar Farming Robots

Aigen is an AI-driven robotics business that has raised $12 million through Series A financing through the world’s largest investors ReGen Ventures along with NEA, Cleveland Avenue, Incite, and Susquehanna Private Equity Investments LLLP. This funding will allow Aigen to expand its production capacity in order to satisfy the large demand for pre-orders and to create an agricultural revolution which is sustainable as well as adaptable.

“ReGen Ventures is convinced that innovation is the foundation of an enlightened future and that’s the reason we invest in innovative companies such as Aigen,” said Marcario. “The Aigen team’s exceptional progress in the field of software and hardware development will be a huge boost to the next step that is the growing.”

Established in 2020, Aigen is the sole agricultural technology company that is developing solar-powered robots to assist in crops management that do not use chemicals and fossil-fuels. Aigen Element robots Aigen Element robots combine LTE connectivity with cutting-edge technology of AI and ML technology solar, as well as battery technology to make a secure environmentally sustainable solution that will save farmers money and time.

“Aigen has set the tone for a brand new time for agriculture which will see farmers flourish and the population get healthier. The elimination of chemicals in our food sources is not just vital to combating global warming, but it’s very personal to Kenny as well as Rich,” said Swati Mylavarapu who is the managing partner of Incite. “The Aigen team embodies what Incite is looking for in its investment: a talented group of entrepreneurs with the potential to create more sustainable. We’re thrilled to have joined Aigen.”

So far, Aigen has successfully demonstrated the integration of all crucial techniques to tackle farmers’ greatest challenge of removing herbicide resistant and weeds on a massive size. A total of $29 million in funding, Aigen is building a 7,500 sq. ft. manufacturing and R&D center in order to build their solar-powered robot fleet.

“Agriculture is a key component between human and environmental health, which is why we’ve focused our efforts on developing technologies for farmers that are efficient and sustainable. Our robot fleet allows farmers to get out of the system of dependency on chemical substances,” said Kenny Lee Co-founder and CEO of Aigen. “Thank to our entire team that has done so much in the last year. We’re grateful for the generosity of our shareholders and are incredibly thrilled to grow our fleet in 2024. And beyond.”

“Aigen could not have existed in the past, since the technology was not there. We have today an incredible team that is working on the very cutting-edge of AI robotics, robotics, electric motors, as well as solar power,”” explained Rich Wurden, co-founder and CTO of Aigen. “Thanks advancements in technology across these areas, and the extraordinary effort of our staff We are automating agricultural strategies that have served over thousands of years aiding farmers in getting chemicals off their land and out of our food supply.”

Aigen Element robotics service Aigen Element robotics service will launch on more than 20000 acres U.S. farmland arriving on farms in April 2024. It will change the way we manage weeds and provide actual-time farm data.

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