Assistance is available to Lockyer farmers affected by hail

Loans for disaster assistance are offered for primary producers that were damages from severe hail from a severe storm the week.

The storm of Friday night’s hailstorm has thus yet produced damages reports coming from 18 farmers including three who reported massive damages, 12 reporting significant damages, and three reporting minor damage.

Primary producers that are impacted by the time of a natural disaster, but not within a designated disaster zone might be able to apply for aid as a business that is a victim of a disaster.

Producers should call them at the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF) at 13-25 23 for the Individual Disaster Stricken Property (IDSP) declaration.

In the event of securing IDSP certificates, once they have received an IDSP certificate, the producers will get disaster aid in the amount of $250,000 from QRIDA and also freight assistance aid in emergency repairs to fencing, equipment and other machinery in the aftermath from this hurricane.

Producers affected by the disaster are asked to file a claim with DAF’s DAF Agriculture Disaster Impact Survey.

Minister responsible for Agricultural Industry Development and Fisheries and Minister of Rural Communities Mark Furner:

“Lockyer Valley farmers are among the top in the entire state, and they are major producers of some of the best fresh fruits and vegetables,” Mr Furner said.

“I’ll visit the area in the coming weeks, after the sittings of Parliament have ended.

“It’s vital that the growers understand that we’re there to support them by providing them with freight and loan subsidies for them to get into production as fast as is possible.”

More information is available here: