Turkish expert recommends the planting of hazelnuts in higher elevations.

Since the sudden temperature fluctuations due to global warming within the Black Sea Region have adversely impacting hazelnut production the climate scientist Prof. Dr. Mehmet Levent Kurnaz made certain statements regarding the importance of moving in the area of hazelnut plantations.

Recently, hazelnuts are being affected by the presence of a dangerous insects that have invaded the area. Global warming also caused frosty instances, which have led to a decrease in the yield of hazelnuts.

According to Kurnaz that the effect of frost on hazelnuts is evident at altitudes that are below 700 meters. And according to research, changes in temperature are not as significant when you are at higher altitudes.

Kurnaz has also suggested the transition to other agriculture products could be required like the most farmers of the provinces in northern Ordu and Giresun which are characterized by a high-intensity hazelnut production because “hazelnut yields are drastically decreasing.”

Source: hurriyetdailynews.com