Autumncrisp(r) Grapes Exlusive Sample will be held at the Las Vegas show

It was first Adele followed by U2 and, now Autumncrisp(r) grapes from the brand. Sun World International continues its worldwide campaign to promote Autumncrisp by holding a an all-day stay at Las Vegas later this month in 2024 at the Winter Fancy Food Show, the biggest B2B exclusive specialty food events.

The Autumncrisp tasting area on booth 3505 of the Winter Fancy Food Show taking on from the 21st of January to 23rd is the newest step towards Sun World International positioning the grapes as the very first table grape that is globally brand-named and accessible all year long with a global public relations campaign designed to increase awareness of the massive, crispy and delicious green grape.

Over 13,000 food and drink makers as well as buyers, retailers distributors, media, influential people and other industry professionals take part in this year’s Winter Fancy Food Show each year to discover new products as well as networking, trend-spotting as well as education. It is one of the top places to showcase innovative food and beverages.

In a sea of food and drinks and beverages, the Autumncrisp sampling station on booth 3505 is sure to stand out in its fresh, sweet and refreshing cleanser for the palate with an engaging tale.

“With this brand, the Autumncrisp brand, we’re trying to change the category of table grapes in 2024.” stated Jennifer Sanchez the Sun World vice president of marketing. “There could be no more ideal place to launch the campaign this year then with this important celebration on the world stage. In the case of Autumncrisp its large, tasty gorgeous and beautiful red grapes, we are looking forward to introducing these at Las Vegas surrounded by all the other famous tourist attractions around the world!”

The global effort to promote HTML0 continue to be a success in Las Vegas

The month of August was when Sun World International announced support for their Autumncrisp brand through a groundbreaking international marketing campaign focusing on the stunning Table Grapes in green that can be found throughout the year. So far, the campaign has seen a hefty digital marketing targeting the beloved grape brand’s customers, tasting during The New York Wine and Food Festival as well as media and marketing outreach collaborations with food bloggers like The Produce Mums and outreach via social media. The next phase of the campaign that will begin by launching Winter Fancy Foods, Sun World International will extend into in-store sales, regional market-based retail strategies and much more.

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Jennifer Sanchez

Sun World International, LLC
