The government of Johor is to establish durian collection center in order to tackle the expected shortage

In anticipation of an abundance of durians over three to four years, the state government of Johor will set up an durian collection centre located in Tangkak. The state’s government hopes to expand durian production by 141,862 tonnes in 2027. Tangkak as the area where the bulk of the durians.

State Agriculture, Agro-based Industry and Rural Development Committee Chairman Datuk Zahari Sarip has said that a study conducted by Johor’s Johor Agriculture Department found an excess of durians is anticipated to arise due to the large-scale plantations of durian by farmers over the past few years. If the oversupply is realized and durian prices rise, then the cost of these fruits and other durians, such as Musang Kings, will drop.

Datuk Zahari Sarip “Based from a survey conducted by the Johor Agriculture Department, we believe that large-scale farming is likely to result in a large quantity of fruit in the coming three or four years. So, once the massive farms are fruiting then the state’s government can hold the fruits in the central collection point.”

The man said that through the collection center that the durians would be frozen and will be sold during the in the off-season.
