“Latin America as well as Indonesia are now open for business because their main sources of food had smaller harvests”

Despite fewer apple varieties produced in Europe At the moment, there isn’t much demand to expand Polish exports of apples in the European market, as Adam Malengiewicz Sales manager at Polish exporter Ewa-Bis “So far this season, the apples are running quite smoothly. In reality, Apple sales have been slowing down slightly, but we started exporting apples late in the season predominantly to our clients from India. In Europe some fruit growers say there’s lesser fruit on the market, however currently, we haven’t observed a huge shortage in the market that makes it challenging to sell our apple products in the European market in this moment. This will, however, hopefully be changing by February, and the stocks begin to run out. So the moment, our principal markets are Middle East and Europe. It’s a challenge to determine the main market we have as it is a bit ambiguous and may change every week.”

Polish exporters of apples have noticed numerous opportunities on new markets. Malengiewicz is wondering if these new markets will be looking for Polish apple next year. “We think that the countries of Latin America and Indonesia have become more open because their main producers had lower harvests as in comparison to the previous year. This has meant that this has allowed us to establish the opportunity to expand our produce to for the current season. But no one knows what the future is going to be the next time. The fruit could be returned to the previous supplier and hopefully some remain in search of Polish apple varieties.”

Since the apples were of low color prior to picking the harvest, some were picked earlier in order to make up for it and could result in that there was more work later in the period “Currently we are seeing a steady the demand for apples, mostly from our partners whom we’ve been working since many years. The exact amount of apples in cold storage remains a major problem. There is a need to consider the fact that the apple this year did not have the best colour. This led to fruit growers waiting for better colours of the apple, only to pick their fruit earlier. But, I think that towards the end of the season, much effort will be required choosing the best fruit.” Malengiewicz concludes.

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Adam Malengiewicz

Ewa-Bis Sp. z o.o.

Email: adam.malengiewicz@ewabis.com.pl
