Drewry’s World Container Index stable at $1,382 per 40ft of container this week

Drewry’s World Container Index remained stable at $1,382 for 40ft containers this week.

The index was stable and dropped 40 percent compared to previous week. The current Drewry WCI composite index of $1,382 for a 40-foot container is now 3percent lower than the typical rates for 2019. (pre-pandemic) rate of $1420.

The median composite index of the past year is $1,682 for a 40ft container and is $991 less than the 10 year average which was $2,673 (which was exaggerated because of the unusual 2021-22 Covid timeframe).

The cost of freight from New York to Rotterdam decreased by 4 percent or $26 up to $587 per feu.

More information about the company: drewry.co.uk