TCB is still unable to unload 90 tonnes of onions from the United States at Benapole

While the cost of onions is rising across Bangladesh the 90 tonnes of onion have yet to be cleared of their containers when imports from India arrived at Benapole port just five days ago. In the midst of a long wait the onions have begun to decay, according to the authority responsible for port operations.

Benapole Quarantine Plant Monitoring Officer Hemanta Kumar Sarkar told the media, on the 5th day of December, Trading Corporation of Bangladesh (TCB) shipped 90 tons of onion. However, the shipment of onions hasn’t yet been loaded. A Indian truck driver claimed that he’s waited for a response at the Benapole port for five days. The onions are beginning to decay, but there is there is no one to take them off, he added.
