Maintenance, hygiene as well as the possibility of customizing are making points

“We feel that the industry of food is changing quickly, which makes it challenging for our customers to stay on top of the changes,” begins Nicolas Bauwens who runs the Belgian machine-building business Constructie Bruynooghe. The company’s owner believes this is among the biggest issues facing the industry. “Nowadays there’s an abundance of need for snacks that are easy to eat and vegetables.”

NIcolas Bauwens

“More and more, ” consumers are weighing convenience and quality of the product which is evident by factors such as nutri score – to be important. In order to meet the needs of consumers the producers place various emphasises on their customers’ production procedures. The chain reaction is evident, and the changes are evident even at the machine during the process of design,” says Nicolas, explaining that the need for customization is exactly why creating the possibility of a dialog is vital. “Our team of sales engineers as well as project managers stay in constant contact with customers to create the best process that will meet the specific requirements of each client.”


This includes, for example the hygiene aspect. “You must not avoid hygienic designs – taking into account the selection of materials access to cleaning, as well as avoidance of retention zones in the initial designing phase. Every business is currently working on this. Our engineering division is focused on this and we are always keeping an eye for developments and trends within this field,” explains Nicholas. Thus, the business concentrates on specific areas.

These include the ability to clean and use the most reputable materials such as, such as metal-detectable polymer. “People are getting more exigent and believe that the products we offer our clients is available for use. The retail industry is increasingly demanding high-quality products that are labeled with quality and therefore manufacturers need to be ready to satisfy this need. An environmentally-friendly process line will help.”

Maintenance that is smoother

The same trend is happening in the field of maintenance. “We keep innovating and making the process of maintenance more efficient,” Nicolas indicates. The company’s goal is to, amongst others, reduce the time spent on maintenance so that there’s minimum time spent in the downtime. “We make sure that the most durable components are easily replaced.” Machine building firm Bauwens concentrates on issues like access and ergonomics. “With every model and system, longevity as well as durability is the most important base,” Bauwens says. Bauwens.

The procedure involves elements like optimal energy usage and water recycling. “In our process lines the electric motors, pumps and chillers draw the greatest energy. We make use of components that have the best energy efficiency rating.”

Integration of processing lines

Nicolas mentions that utilizing modern, high-tech equipment like optical sorters is now commonplace. The machine are an art in themselves. “People typically choose Constructie Brijnooghe for the integration of several types of optical graders. When customers have decided for the grader’s brand We carefully work with them as well as the manufacturer in order to seamlessly integrate that grader within the process line. A thorough consultation ensures an optimal infeed, outfeed as well as accessibility across the entire line,” concludes Nicolas.

50 years!

In 1973, the company was founded by Daniel Bruynooghe Constructie Bruynooghe celebrates its 50th anniversary in this year. Gerard Dupulthys and his grandson Nicolas Bauwens is now at the helm of the family-owned company. “Constructie Bruynooghe has been a family enterprise for a quarter of a century, and that’s something that we are constantly promoting. So, we thought that it was essential to place the families of our colleagues as well as their employees in the forefront of the celebrations we have in the early part of September.” Nicolas says.

The business is globally active currently working on plans in Belgium as well as additional European countries, as well as Australia. “We believe in North America as a potential expansion market for our industry.” Nicolas is confident about the prospects for the future. “We’re determined to see Constructie Bruynooghe’s constant expansion. We think that the sector of food is always developing and growing. Quality, nutritious and food that is easy to eat is becoming more important. Customers find it difficult to keep up with and be innovative on the current the latest trends. Being a machine partner that has over 50 years experience Construction Bruynooghe is determined to help them with that,” he says.

Nicolas Bauwens

Bruynooghe Processing Specialists