Organic seedsless grapes: production increase across Italy as well as around the globe

The harvest of grapes without seeds continues to grow in all over the globe. Italy has a significant role in the conventional wine industry as well as the organic option it is estimated that, based on Sinab estimates, the total quantity is approximately 150,000 tonnes which is mainly produced within Puglia, Sicily, and Basilicata. Puglia makes up around 60% of the nation’s harvest of organic seedsless grapes. The increase in the annual demands for organic seedless grapes has been around 5-7% at the European basis, while the share of market share for organic retail grapes sold in Europe is between 5 and 10% of total. The percentage of organic retail grapes has increased steadily for the past three years.

The success of organic seeds-free grapes can be attributed to the substantial reduction in ecological impact of organic vs conventional methods of production. Actually, organic farming lowers the emissions of CO2 and consumption of water. The key ingredients to the popularity of table grapes that are seedless include the sweetness, crunch, and the ability to be used as snacks during meals, or the basis of delicious dishes that are sweet and savory.

Canova is among the leading organic producers located in Italy. They specialize in organic fruits and vegetables which is part of Apofruit group that sells seeds-free grapes throughout Italy as well as Europe. It is also an affiliate of the Almaverde Bio brand which supports the It’s Bio project, funded by the European Union as well as Aop Gruppo Vi.Va to highlight the advantages of European top quality produce, backed up with organic accreditation.

The organic harvest this year began 10 days earlier than usual calendar for the Sugraone type and will conclude at the end of October when it will be time to enjoy the autumnal Crisp. As per the producers in Op Terra of Bari in the Apulian region in the Noicattaro region, they had a complete calendar for production, as well as a great year for quality.

The process of producing organic seedsless grapes is an intricate process due to using cultivation methods which do not employ chemical compounds for weeding and fertilization or to defend against pathogens. Instead, methods that are natural such as rotation of crops as well as biological insect management the use of natural and mineral substances and organic fertilization are employed to combat diseases and pests.

In addition, when it comes to organic grapes production the primary focus is on the diversity of genetics in plants and the reduction of their impacts on the environment and a respect for the natural cycles of the seasons. Organic grapes without seeds are an excellent product which is getting increasingly more prominence on the shelves of consumers, particularly when it comes to families with children because of the protection offered by the assurances provided through European certification as well as the delicious and astringent flavor.

The It’s Bio is a program that has been financed with the help of European Union and AOP Gruppo Vi.Va. It’s Bio is a project that involves the involvement from Almaverde Bio, Apofruit, Codma OP, Ca’ Nova, Coop Sole, AOP La Mongolfiera, OrtoRomi and OP Terre di Bari.

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