Eqraft has opened new offices in Emmeloord

The machine builder Eqraft invites its customers and suppliers to be part of the grand opening of their new premises in Emmeloord in the Netherlands beginning on the 5th February. To welcome suppliers and customers, Eqraft will host an open-day on the 5th of February, Monday beginning at 3 pm.

At this open afternoon participants can take guided tours, view equipment under construction, talk with our team members and take part in the presentations of suppliers. The program will conclude with refreshments and drinks. Director of Commerce Rutger Keurhorst “I cannot wait to show people around our new offices and production facilities in our brand new headquarters.”

Eqraft develops and manufactures processing plants and factories to process onions, potatoes and other bulk commodities around the world. The innovative factories of Eqraft contribute to the efficiency, reliability and sustainability of agriculture businesses. Recently, Eqraft has seen rapid growth both in terms of the amount of its sold projects as well as the addition of new hires. The constant growth has also meant that the company required more area. The directors Marcel Kampes and Rutger Keurhorst selected this new site within Emmeloord (in the centrally situated province of Flevoland located in the Netherlands). The project is scheduled to be completed in 2022, in accordance with the latest standards for sustainability The new facility covers approximately 6,600 square meters.

New opening Eqraft headquarters

Family, friends and residents of the area For family, friends and local residents: Friday February 2nd 2024 at 3 p.m.

Clients and Suppliers for clients and suppliers: Monday, 5 February 2024 at 3 p.m.

Contact: 7 Werktuigenweg. Emmeloord, The Netherlands

Registration: www.eqraft.com/register

Also, you can get to know Eqraft in Fruit Logistica Berlin, February 7 – 9 Hall 2.1 booth A-31.

More information is available here:

Rutger Keurhorst


Tel: +31 527 256 130

Email: info@eqraft.com
