The leader in the world of famous citrus caviar Australian Native Fingerlime Alliance

The world is now aware of the native Australian fingerlime. The nutrient-rich fruit with its distinct crystals of citrus caviar as well as vibrant colors and intriguing flavor, has captured both the attention and palate of consumers and chefs all over the world. For millennia, it has been coveted by native Australians for its health benefits and its medicinal properties, the production of commercial fingerlimes has since grown throughout Australia. In the present, Australia leads the world in the production commercial of fingerlimes, aswell in being a global top fingerlime researcher and development.

Jade King, Chair of the ANFA Board, is a manufacturer of fingerlime and an Nuffield Scholar. With this AgriFutures Australia-funded scholarship Ms King has been around the world studying the development and production of fingerlimes. Ms. King declared, “What I learned from my travels and study was that, while Australia has the top position in quality production of fingerlimes and research, the efforts were neither aligned nor coordinated. It became clear to me that the answer was in establishing an industry peak body for the Australian manufacturing of fingerlime. ANFA was born out of this concept’.

The aims of ANFA are to encourage and promote active management, and to advance the needs of Australian commercial producers of the fruit. ANFA is committed to taking the lead for the foreseeable future of the Australian fingerlime industry. It has a goal of creating an organization that can represent Australian producers of fingerlime as leading producers and research, as well as sustainable genetics and environmental long-term sustainability of this native citrus.

Ms. King declares “The board’s mission is to guide ANFA to be a responsive and forward-thinking sector body that works with all aspects of the value chain and helps ensure that Australia continues to be a world leader in research and production of its native, indigenous citrus.” She continues to add that “ANFA is planning to establish and keep an industry database that will aid in the communication of growers, forecasting and marketing strategies, biosecurity and the development of research”. In its role as The Peak Industry Body, ANFA is expected to voice all the issues of the sector of the fingerlime industry at all levels of Australian administration.

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