“A time ago, it was rare to find papayas in Dutch supermarkets”

In the summer of 2013, Carlos Henrique Ferreira and Ricardo Mendes started Trust Green Trading. Ricardo claims that the fledgling Dutch firm has an unique product line of exotics that are flown in. The 2024 Trust Green ambitions and objectives include expanding the company’s operations through partnerships with reputable businesses that will allow for a greater markets to be present, and also increase the product line more often by importing direct citrus fruits, mangoes and grapes, ginger, and more.

Papayas through the air (tree mature fruit) is their primary source of income. “As was expected, sales were quiet in the month of January. However, we were able to keep the flow of sales each week. “We anticipate we will see Brazilian product that is popular and well-known in certain markets due to its quality, flavor as well as presentation will leverage its Spanish product to be increasingly popular within certain market. An ongoing supply from European production, specifically papaya Formosa from Tenerife (Spain) has significant positive effects.

“Mainly because of the low logistic costs, locally grown products are helping increase the appeal of papaya Formosa at certain places, in which these products weren’t extremely popular prior to. It’s not a commodity to call papayas at the moment, but just in the past there was a lack of them in Dutch grocery stores. That’s changing. The mango market as an illustration that, nearly two years ago, we were able to consume stone-based fruits that were hard which was a cheaper option compared to the air-borne (tree mature) which opened up the door to “ready to consume” mangoes, which are available all time through processing facilities for ripening within Europe and the United States, which allow for consumers to change their taste and desire for better products”.

“The major benefit is the general increase in demand for exotics continues to grow through wholesalers, retailers as well as the processing sector. We are able to sell across Europe which includes Germany, Austria, France, Scandinavia, and the Netherlands

For additional information, click here:

Ricardo Mendes / Carlos Henrique Ferreira

Trust Green Trading

Mob: +31 6 18243757 / 06-13396393

