Nonthaburi durian production plummeting in Thailand

It is believed that the Nonthaburi durian, one of Thailand’s most popular fruit varieties is experiencing a significant decrease in yield, dropping to only 10% of the prior year’s production. The decline is affecting the farmers in the area, pushing the industry into a difficult position. The reason for this decline is mostly due to the prolonged periods of heat which have altered local climate.

Samrueng Sunthornsang, head of the Durian Nonthaburi Conservation and Restoration Association He emphasized the seriousness of this year’s durian cultivation. He described this as one of the most crucial years within his 20 years of expertise. A lack of Nonthaburi durian is causing significant increases in the price particularly for the most well-known varieties like Kan Yao as well as Monthong. The Samrueng survey in various orchards revealed an incredibly low yield in his orchard, which is producing just 150 durians this year, compared to 1,500 durians the previous year. Durians are scarce and will mean that only a select few are likely to get to sample them this year.
