The fruits in Kazakhstan are more expensive than the neighboring countries

At the end of March, prices in Kazakhstan are up at an average 13.6 percent in the last year. This is one of the largest rises in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). According to EnergyProm Grapes experienced the highest increase rising up to 40.4 percent. Apples meanwhile increased by 18.3 percent, pear by 17.7% Lemons were up with 11% increase, Kiwis 10.9 percentage, oranges up 7.5 percent as well as bananas up 7.2 percentage. All in all, the fresh fruits of today are priced 17.9 percentage more than one year before.

However, the cost rise for canned and processed fruits was relatively low, hovering of 4.1 percent annually. Raisins increased by 9.2 percentage, dried fruits and nuts grew by 4.4%, canned fruits and fruits by 9.1 percent, as well as frozen fruits, in 8.2 8 %.

Kazakhstan is well-known for its high-priced fruits. In the past the country was discovered to have Kazakhstan was the top country for price for apples in the CIS. Similar patterns are also evident for other fruit varieties. After analyzing 95 countries discovered Kazakhstan being the highest in terms of fruit price within CIS countries.

In the case the 5th of April the average price of bananas was $2.07 per kilogram. This placed Kazakhstan 21st on the list. Oranges cost around $2.32 per kilogram, which secured 30th place. Although apples were cheaper, at $1.35 per kilo, Kazakhstan ranked 77th, nevertheless, it was significantly higher than the CIS competitors. This price volatility is occurring in the context of declining yields of fruits in 2023 possibly contributing to the increase in prices.
