“Our greenhouses are designed to provide the best growing conditions Egyptian peppers”

In the context of more extreme temperatures in Egypt with unstable temperature fluctuations the production model within a controlled climate has proven to be an effective method for ensuring the high quality of the crops all year round in Egypt. This is the opinion of Reham Kamal, an export and marketing manager for Fresh Energy.

“This season, as with the other seasons where fluctuations in temperature have had an impact on the farmers who work in open fields, we’ve managed to ensure consistent in the quality of our crops throughout the all year. It is due to our state-of-the-art greenhouse technology. We are able to provide our European market with an extensive variety of fresh fruits and veggies, such as tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers and many more.” claims the exporter.

The bulk of the vegetables produced in Egypt takes place outdoors, greenhouse cultivation can allow Fresh Energy to stand up to the intense competition in the European market, as per Reham. “In the field of peppers such as the peppers sector, we’re protected from fluctuations in the external climate that impact Egypt as well as other countries as well, which are becoming more evident this year. Our greenhouses, along with the conditions for production in Egypt will provide the ideal growth conditions for peppers. We grow our own Kapia, California, Palermo, Hungarian White, and Hungarian Hot Green varieties.”

“The good quality of our produce are rewarded by a increasing demand, which isn’t waning,” adds the Reham. “Our principal market is Europe as well as the UK with demand high. Our position in our presence in the European market is enhanced through strategically placed facilities and efficient logistics. This includes our principal European logistic center located situated in Hungary and has resulted in swift and smooth deliveries predominantly through the port at Koper and offering a quick shipping time of anywhere from 3 to four days. We plan to expand our coverage into Russia as well as Asia soon”.

“By using controlled greenhouse environments with a strong focus on high-end quality and a indefatigable commitment to customer service, Fresh Energy has established its reputation as a reliable supplier of high-quality peppers that are accordance with EU guidelines,” concludes Reham. “This lets us supply top-of-the-line customers, such as ALDI, Penny, Carrefour, Tesco and LIDL hypermarkets.”

More information is available here.

Reham Kamal

Fresh Energy

Tel: +20 112 78 18 786

Email: reham.kamal@egyptfreshenergy.com
