The Senegalese watermelon season begins

Senegalese watermelon have arrived on the market in huge amounts and in outstanding quality, says Mohamed Mbengue, from Union Agri des Niayes.

“The Senegalese watermelon campaign began the year with a bang on February 20 and runs up to May 10. We’re pleased to say that the quality is exceptional as the average size is 10 kg, and at times more than 14 kilograms. Brix is very high, and the sweetness is sure to bring excellent customer satisfaction.” Mbengue says. Mbengue.

The producer adds “We’re witnessing a dramatic growth in volume as compared to prior seasons and will need a lot of commercial effort to attract new buyers.”

The Senegalese watermelon campaign is among of the oldest in the world, as are the other West African countries, while the demand for this fruit is correlated with warmer temperatures and summer. However, Mohamed is confident that the fruit will be a hit: “By offering the first watermelon products that are available in February this year, we’re able to offer a clean quality, premium product to watermelon fans all through the year. This demand is real which we believe is going to grow. We’ve started exporting our products to Spain. As temperatures increase in Europe there will be quantities to meet the demand.”

“Our watermelons also work for European traders looking to establish stocks early in order to be first on the market that is guaranteed to be of high the highest quality.” Mbengue adds.

Mbengue anticipates a strong demand for this year, mainly from Spain and the UK and the Netherlands. He says “We expect some challenges because of the huge volumes however we are optimistic.”

For further information, click here.

Mohamed Mbengue

Union Agri des Niayes

Tel: +00221771790419
