Brazilian Guava Industry getting ready for the peak export season for Europe and the rest of the world.

Brazilian Guavas and Avocados are popular in Europe as well as the UK which is where they’re flourishing, claims Gideao Guilherme the Director of Sales and CEO for the company that trades in Fresh Quality in Brazil. “Guavas are highly sought-after by the ethnic communities that reside in Europe as well as Canada since they are very loved in these regions and brings back the memories of their ancestral homelands.”

He claims Brazil is a reliable market within the UK as well as France for fruit. “Importing companies have recognized the different color of the flesh and size of the guavas that come in Brazil. But, we’re in competition with the production of Egypt, Thailand and India. From April through September is the period when the majority of companies seek our guavas here in Brazil because of the difference in production from other suppliers. The climate is beginning to get colder here which has made our production in Brazil less and slow. The ones who began importing our products first get first priority.” Guilherme states.

In 2023, Brazil exported 459 tonnes of guavas. In 2022 it was 490 tons. and the value total was similar to that of Guilherme. Average price of USD 2,55/kg for Brazil by 2023.

Tropical avocados offering

Fresh Quality also exports tropical avocados from Brazil. “We are competing against those from the Dominican Republic on the rounded big and rounded avocado known as Margarida. The majority of the variety is sold to importers from France. The market is extremely competitive regarding cost. When the fruit is properly cooked, and can last for a minimum of two weeks. Other varieties are available like Breda, Fortuna and Quintal. These varieties differ from Margarida with an extremely thin skin. It is more shiny, larger and is most often sought-after by people in Spain,” says Guilherme.

The company also exports a selection of additional products from Brazil including sweet potatoes, dragon fruits and ginger. Other products include Kabocha squash and mangoes. Starfruit also comes in limes, as well as a variety of exotic fruits.

The high rate of inflation in Europe is a cause for concern.

The prices for air freight have risen significantly and their merchandise is now more competitive, but the rising cost of living within Europe which has slowed the consumer’s spending has been a major issue. “With an improvement in prices for airfreight this year, for nearly all locations, we believe that the conditions are better than ever for us to boost our sales of the two products. There is only one issue to consider: the state of economics in Europe where people appear to be concerned about the rising cost of living, an issue that is typical for Europeans. In Brazil we are already used to handling inflation and we know how to handle the issue,” states Guilherme.

More information is available here:

Gideao Guilherme

High Quality and Fresh

Tel: +55 15 99611 3025
