Kashmir Valley organization wants to control the owners of controlled temperature stores

The Kashmir Valley Fruit Growers Cum Dealers Union expressed concerns about a number of issues that impact the horticulture industry. At a recent meeting, which was led by Union Chairperson, Bashir Ahmad Basheer along with representatives of the associations of fruit growers and the media, the necessity of intervention from the Lt. Governor’s office was highlighted.

Important issues include the claims of abuse by cold storage as well as controlled environment (CA) owner of the store that are accused of inflicting excessive fees for packaging and requiring growers to comply with a strict five-month storage duration, thereby reducing their rights to sell of their apples. Union members warned of possible opposition if these policies do not change.

In addition, the union stressed the destruction to the fruit orchards of South Kashmir from recent adverse weather conditions, and urged the establishment of a crop insurance program. The union also expressed concern over the distribution of pesticides that are counterfeit and a demand to increase the enforcement of regulations and sanctions against those who violate.

The flood of imported apples, which was viewed as threatening the local economy is another reason to be concerned. The union has called government intervention in order to limit customs duties on imported apples in order to safeguard the domestic market. We demand urgent action by the Lieutenant. Governor’s administration in order to address these issues, and to encourage the industry of horticulture within the Kashmir Valley.

Source: greaterkashmir.com

Source of photo: Dreamstime.com