Russian cucumbers dominate Polish market

EastFruit has reported an extraordinary influx of Russian cucumbers to the Polish wholesale market. Polish market managers have noted that Russian cucumbers are the most popular variety due to their cost-effectiveness.

Poland imports approximately 2-4000 tonnes of cucumbers from Russia each month. This makes it a leader in exports of cucumbers to the Polish market, along with Spain. The imports of Russian cucumbers into Poland are up significantly in the years since 2023, at a time when about 8 000 tons of cucumbers were brought in. In 2024, imports surpass the previous year’s numbers.

As per EastFruit, Poland is one of the largest exporters of cucumbers in fresh condition, and ranks in the sixth spot after USA, Germany, the UK as well as the Netherlands as well as Pakistan. Poland is also home to one of the top growth levels of imported cucumbers among the top importers.

It’s not clear what the motive is behind why Poland is able to continue to import more vegetables from a country thought of as an aggressor. Russia has already banned Polish goods from its market some time ago. In the meantime, Poland has many issues regarding the delivery of Ukrainian agriculture products, despite the fact that Ukraine allows all access to its market for Polish foods and agricultural products.

We have previously mentioned that Poland is also a major importer of onions. This helps to keep the prices down in its market.

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