Labor brings Tasmania’s finest fruit in the spotlight

Fruit Growers Tasmania has welcomed Tasmanian Labor’s Putting Farmers First Plan, and its dedication to supporting Tasmania’s famous fruit industry. “We are grateful for the broad commitment for our growers, and the work we do to improve the viability as well as the stability and trustworthiness of the business within Tasmania,” Fruit Growers CEO Peter Cornish said.

“Labor is clear that they’re paying attention. Most of the demands that we have made to the main political parties were addressed in the Labor’s Plan.”

In the Plan Labor has pledged to investing $1.85 million into Fruit Growers Tasmania to undertake the Business Risk Improvement Program, to promote Tasmanian fruit across important industries both in Australia and abroad and to support the development of the fruit industry and aid trade between growers who want to export.

“We’re happy that we can see the Labor party has recognized Tasmanian fruit industry Tasmanian fruit industry requires the absolute right to have an annual $800,000 promotion budget, which can be used to support all our farmers and promote our products to the world. We will be able to showcase our finest fruit!” Cornish added.

Promotional funding for this program is in conjunction with a four-year commitment to provide a trade representative to the sector. This package will also support the agricultural trade mission that will be going to Indonesia as well as Taiwan in the initial year of the new government. The last part of the $1.85 million package includes provision of $500,000 in two years to fund a business risk management program designed to help farmers with purchasing orchard rain cover and nets which Fruit Growers Tasmania hopes the Federal Government will match.

Another important area is the pledge to provide add another $3 million in biosecurity to keep Fruit Growers Tasmania’s top priority farming pest and disease funds for another four years.

More information is available here.

Julie Inglis

Fruit Growers Tasmania Inc.

Tel: +61 (0)448 196 526
