“Turkey as well as Poland have cut off sending apple parcels earlier than they normally do”

The prices of apples sold in India are down in a significant amount, because they’re of decent quality, claims Prashant Gidwani who is director of Fresh Fruit Alliances Pvt. Ltd “The present market for apples in India appears to be struggling. Insufficient demand and low quality have led to an increase in the price. This suggests a less favorable local production since the market isn’t operating as smoothly as we would like.”

Apples originating from Poland and Turkey are arriving at an earlier end. Gidwani believes it is because of the more time-consuming transit times, since all shipments must now travel through an Cape route. “Fresh crop varieties from southern hemisphere like South Africa and New Zealand have been doing exceptionally well with regard to imports. But imports coming from north-western hemisphere sources are facing problems. In particular, Turkey and Poland have been unable to send shipments sooner than normal. The reason could be the long transit times via the Cape route. It could affect the quality of the fruits which led to a earlier end to shipping.”

In the eyes of Indian customers pricing is the most important factor. This means that the majority of apple importers from India are focused on the most affordable price. Gidwani says this is not the case in his business: “When selecting an origin for imports of apples, the price is still a significant factor because India is mostly a price-driven market. When considering where to source the apples importers must consider pricing competitive to stay competitive on the marketplace and satisfy consumer demands. Although price competition is essential when choosing the origin, here when it comes to choosing origins, at Fresh Fruit Alliances, we insist on top high-quality. We are committed to providing top-quality produce to our customers guides the choice of where we source our produce, so that they can enjoy premium flavor experiences every time they purchase.”

Examining the present prices for apples on the Indian market, Gidwani says the fact that low prices offer the opportunity to taste higher-quality apple varieties than they normally have the chance to. “The price of apples is at an all-time low that is advantageous to Indian customers. The situation allows customers to have access to a broad selection of products made from apples in different countries with a reasonable price. These lower costs also provide the opportunity for customers to purchase premium apples at less expensive costs, thereby expanding the power of their purchases and offering more variety of selections.”

“I anticipate the coming months to be a buyer’s market. This is because of the accumulation of stock in cold rooms with an enormous amount of local crops within Controlled Atmosphere (CA) Rooms. Locally grown apples are abundant and being priced aggressively most likely because of market pressure. So, the consumers should anticipate positive market conditions that will see competitive prices and plentiful available apple products in the coming months.” Gidwani concludes.

More information is available here:

Prashant Gidwani

Fresh Fruit Alliances Pvt. Ltd.

Email: Info@freshfruitalliances.com
