The Pakistani mango production expected to fall for a third straight year because of climate changes

Because of the effects of the climate change The impact of climate change on due to the effects of climate change, Pakistan’s mango production is expected to decline for the third time in a row this year. This will impact the country’s objectives for exports by 2024. In the meantime, All Pakistan Fruit and Vegetable Exporters, Importers, Merchants Association is announcing the goal of exporting 100,000 tons in the current season. They are aiming to earn around $90 million income from exports. There are challenges, including higher prices for inputs as well as climate variations may hinder the attainment of this goal. Mangoes are Pakistan’s top exported fruit, are exported to countries like China as well as in the USA, Turkey, Japan, Iran, Afghanistan, the UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Central Asian nations.

A significant decline in production has been observed In Punjab as well as Sindh provinces. This is due to several factors including the effects of climate change. Punjab is the largest producer of mango within Pakistan and has experienced an increase of 30-35% in mango production, while Sindh is experiencing a 20 percentage reduction. The market in Pakistan is the main consumer of mango production, which is about 1.8 million tonnes annually. The change in climate has not just affected the quantity of mangoes produced as well as the time of exports usually beginning in May, which is around the 20th of May.

Industry leaders and experts express worry over the inability of government intervention to alleviate problems facing this mango industry. The rising costs of electric power, gasoline, transport and the maintenance of gardens, pesticides and water management have added problems for exporters. The mango industry, which is valued at more than 100 billion dollars has a large role to play in the creation of jobs within the country. Additionally, Pakistan, being one of the countries that is most impacted by the effects of climate change, has experienced extreme weather phenomena, like extreme heat waves and irregular rainfall patterns that have made the circumstances in mango cultivation.
