The Egyptian white bean season starts off shortly.

The Egyptian white bean season will get going in just a few days. Abdelkader Alhabouny reports a fine season to come, with an rise in the volume.

“Alhabouny: “The first harvest starts within the next few days. Last year, we faced concerns due to the high temperatures. farmers have adjusted by increasing the size of white beans on the soils that were once clay close to the Nile instead of the deserts recently cleared.”

The cultivator continues “The clay soils of the region are ideal for the white bean, and they are situated in regions which aren’t affected with extreme temperature fluctuations. This means that you will get a better yield than the previous season, and higher quality.” On the other hand the other cultivators have shifted the production of onions from clay soils into sandy desert soils. According to an onion farmer.

To satisfy the requirements that the market in Egypt has. Egyptian market, a huge buyer of white beans the size of the beans’ surface has substantially increased, as reported by Alhabouny. Based on his estimations it is estimated that the surface area has grown by around 25 percent. According to him “White beans are priced well and attract buyers for farmers. The demand for white beans is always growing for both local market as well as for export.”

The farmer is expecting an harvest of “good high-quality” He adds. “The dimensions are excellent We have the equivalent of 180 pieces per 100g 200 pieces, 210 pieces as high as 225 pieces per 100 grams. They aren’t at any time wet, and they have excellent colour. Egyptian white beans are acknowledged on the market and I am delighted to declare the best quality of this year’s crop.”

More information is available here.

Abdelkader Alhabouny

Alhabouny Group

Tel: +201090999229

Email: [email protected]