In the course of addressing the Mediterranean fruit fly problem Mugla. Mugla

In the Turkish province of Mugla initiatives by The Mugla Metropolitan Municipality have focused on to eliminate the Mediterranean fruit fly that poses an issue for the region’s exports of citrus. By using biotechnological methods that the municipality has started trapping activities for more than 35,000 decares within the Koycegiz district which is home to the majority of cultivation for citrus. This project aims at alleviating the financial burdens of disinfection to local producers as well as enhancing the potential for export of the citrus fruit.

Local officials, such as Zaferler Mukhtar Sedat Ayhan have recognized the harmful impacts on the Mediterranean fruit insect on exports of citrus and have emphasized the need for an integrated approach to tackle the issue. The approach has not only decreased the number of insects that are infested, but has also decreased the requirement for extensive application of pesticides, resulting in an increase in export-quality citrus fruits with no residue issues.

The Agricultural Engineer Turgut Karagoz emphasized the extensive scope of the issue and the efficient and cost-effective solution offered by trapping. The trapping method drastically reduced the necessity for repeat chemical treatments, providing an alternative that is sustainable to combat this pest menace within the area.
