U.S. retailers are very in support of Florida dragon fruit initiatives

Florida dragon fruit harvest began in mid-June, and typically runs through September. There is a small amount of fruit that is left in October. “Our first harvest during the Florida season was about two weeks ago, and included both red and white dragon fruits,” declares Jose Roggiero with Freshway Produce. “Thursday and Friday last week, a second big harvest began and will last throughout the week.” According to the general rule the dragon fruit is harvested each two weeks. They have blossoms, fruits and buds and follow one another around twice a week. The big harvest of dragon fruits in Florida generally occurs in on the day before the July 4th or a week following it, based on the season. “This year’s harvest will occur just enough to be ready for the Independence Day pull.”

Roggiero is thrilled that Florida dragon fruit could be included in the 4th of July celebrations. “Retailers have been very receptive to Florida growing dragon fruit” Roggiero stated. “In particular, they are located in either the East Coast or in the Southeast. Although dragon fruit has a tough time competing with many other fruit varieties this time of year, the demand is extremely high.

Competition Ecuador

Florida isn’t the sole place that provides dragon fruits for customers in the U.S. market this time of year. Imports of Ecuador are also arriving. Ecuador’s primary season is between October and May/April. Many cultivators are using light sources to prolong their growing seasons. This means that the fruit can also be harvested in the colder season, which runs from May to September. Ecuador is a major producer of white dragon fruit. To satisfy the market need for red dragon fruits there are some Florida producers are planning to boost the production of red dragon fruit. “While Florida and Ecuador are rivals, both can find their place on the marketplace,” commented Roggiero. “Florida’s dragon fruit is known to be slightly smaller than Ecuador’s fruit is larger, this allows us to supply our customers at retail with a variety of choices.”

Hurricane risks

Even though the Florida season has gotten beginning well however, the overall success of the season will be contingent on the activity of hurricanes within South Florida. The official hurricane season runs between June 1 and November 30. Reports indicate it could be an intense stormy season. According to NOAA the odds are that there’s an 85 percent probability that the season will be above normal. A chance of having a normal storm season is 10% against a chance of 5 percent of an below normal storm season. “We are hoping to avoid storms, but it’s an aspect we’re always considering,” Roggiero said.

Jose Roggiero in Florida dragon fruit plantation.

A new cooler area

To prepare to prepare for the upcoming 2024 dragonfruit season in 2024, Freshway Produce finished a new cooler that will allow the fruit to be packed and stored without cutting the chain of cold. When the fruit is harvested, it will be kept at controlled temperatures until it’s packed and then stored. “The cooler area is now providing ideal conditions for fruit right from the moment of harvest until storage.” Furthermore, an automated sizer inside the packing facility permits each size to be packed uniformly, which aids in reducing the costs of labor. The 4000 square feet. location is in Miami located just 28 miles from Homestead which is Florida’s dragon-fruit farming area.

Florida White Dragon Fruit.

For further information:

Jose Roggiero

Freshway Produce Inc.

[email protected]
